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Top 6 Electrical Safety Tips At Home

June 6 2018 Published on #Electrical Safety Tips At Home

Electricity keeps us warm, lights our homes, lets us get entertained, and allows us to get a warm meal among other uses. 


It has made our lives stress free.  However, it comes with some risks; electricity can easily kill via electrocution, cause injuries and burns, or accidental fires. 


Below are some electrical safety tips that all homeowners should know. Many electrical accidents occur in the home due to negligence.


(Check out lights and sockets for more electrical advice)



  • Appliances

Most homes are filled with electrical appliances, from toasters and heaters to televisions and microwaves.  Certain precautions need to be observed to avoid the risk of electrocution.


These tips will help you get the most of your and appliances while keeping everyone safe.


  • Replace or repair faulty power cords

Bare wiring is a hazard that should not be ignored. If you notice that the protective covering on a wire is stripped away, make sure that you replace it or conceal it with electrical tape as soon as you can.


  • Avoid using extension cords whenever possible

Extension cords and wires running through the house can cause accidents such as tripping.  If a person trips, they can get injured.  It can cause damage to the wire or outlet if it causes the cord to be ripped out of the wall.


If you use extension cords regularly, think of getting a certified electrician install new outlets in the entire house.


  • Don’t overload your outlets

Every outlet in the house is intended to deliver a definite amount of electricity.  If you plug too many devices into an outlet at once, you could cause an explosion or a fire.


Use a power strip that can safely accommodate your needs and save energy if you have several appliances to plug in.


  • Keep electrical equipment or outlets dry

Water is a good conductor of electricity, so even the least exposure to this dangerous combination can cause short circuits.


Make sure that you wipe up any spills to guarantee that plugs and outlets remain dry always.


  • Protect children from hazards

Toddlers are very curious and they love to explore just about everything. Parents with little kids should baby proof all outlets by putting tamper-resistant safety caps on all unused electrical outlets.


All loose cords should be organised up and put away from the reach of children to prevent them from tugging on them.



The most convenient way of protection is prevention and you can drastically reduce the risk of electrical accidents by obeying these few simple guidelines:


  • Don’t try DIY electrical work. It is illegal, dangerous, and can lead to electrocution or fires.
  • Substitute old ceramic wire-type fuses with modern switch-type circuit breakers.
  • Test safety switches at least four times a year.
  • Install safety switches or RCDs (Residual Current Devices). In case of a disaster, they will cut off the power flow.
  • Get a licensed electrician to perform an electrical safety check of the premises to identify likely dangers.


Electricity can kill; it kills tens of people across the UK annually.  However, there should be no reason why we can’t be safe with it around us.


If we use common sense and teach children to do the same, electricity can continue to be a powerful partner in all aspects of our lives.


If you have electrical work that you need carried out, get in touch with a certified electrician.


Are exposed electrical wires dangerous?

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